

The configuration file can be found at config/logging.rb.


Logging (through the use of the logger helper) will display a log message to STDOUT.

The logger has 6 severity levels:

logger.unknown # Highest priority
logger.fatal   #        |
logger.error   #        |
logger.warn    #        |
logger.info    #        V
logger.debug   # Lowest priority

To write a log message, simply do:

logger.info "This is a non-severe message."

By default, only messages above (and equal to) the info level will be displayed. This can be configured in the config/logging.rb file.


The configuration file consists of a number of settings that can be used to adjust how logging works.

Environment-wide settings

The only setting that does not depend on the current environment is :log_directory_format.

This setting specifies the DateTime string format for the sub-directory of the logs folder, where the current logs are being stored.

This defaults to %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S, giving a logs folder structure like:

├── 2018-08-21_20-26-23
│   ├── production.stderr.log
│   └── production.stdout.log
└── 2018-08-21_20-26-41
    ├── development.stderr.log
    └── development.stdout.log

Environment-dependent settings

Logging can be fine-tuned according to the current environment.

The configuration file contains a configure block for each environment. Each of these blocks can contain the following settings:

  • :logging

    • If set to true (either with set :logging, true or enable :logging), then logging is enabled via the logger helper method.

      When set to true, the logger's severity level is set INFO by default.

    • If set to false (either with set :logging, false or disable :logging), then logging via the logger helper method is disabled - log messages get redirected to the system's null device.

    • If set to a Lumberjack::Severity level (e.g. set :logging, Lumberjack::Severity::FATAL, or set :logging, 4), then logging is enabled via the logger helper method, which is configured to only display log messages of the specified severity or lower.

  • :log_file

    • If set to true (either with set :log_file, true or enable :log_file), then STDOUT and STDERR will be redirected to log files.

    • If set to false (either with set :log_file, false or disable :log_file), then STDOUT and STDERR will not be redirected to log files.

Last updated