
Generates a scaffold.


$ eucalypt generate scaffold
# Alias/shortened
$ eucalypt g scaffold
$ eucalypt g s


  • [NAME] - The name of the scaffold.

  • *[COLUMN:TYPE] - The columns/attributes for the model's database table, along with their types (argument can be empty).


  • --no alias -n, (Possible values: [h, hs, c, cs, m, ms])

    Specify what files to omit during the generation of the scaffold:

    • h - Helper file

    • hs - Helper spec file

    • c - Controller file

    • cs - Controller spec file

    • m - Model file

    • ms - Model spec file

  • --rest alias -r, (Default: False)

    Specify whether or not to generate a REST-style controller, with BREAD method route handler templates.

  • --table, --no-table, (Default: True)

    Specify whether or not to generate a table creation migration along with the model.

  • --policy alias -p, (Default: False)

    Specify whether or not to generate a policy along with the scaffold (will also add authentication and authorization to the controller if --rest option is active).

  • --headless alias -H, (Default: False)

    Specify whether the generated policy should be headless (have no associated model) (only works if the --policy option is active).


  • $ eucalypt g scaffold tweet

    Generates a new scaffold with default options (and no columns).

  • $ eucalypt g scaffold tweet text:string likes:integer

    Generates a new scaffold with default options (and two columns)

  • $ eucalypt g scaffold tweet -n h hs ms cs

    Generates a new scaffold without a helper, helper spec, model spec or controller spec (and no columns).

  • $ eucalypt g scaffold tweet --no-table

    Generates a new scaffold with no table creation migration.

  • $ eucalypt g scaffold tweet -r

    Generates a new scaffold with a REST-style controller.

  • $ eucalypt g scaffold tweet -p

    Generates a new scaffold with a policy.

  • $ eucalypt g scaffold tweet -pH

    Generates a new scaffold with a headless policy.

  • $ eucalypt g scaffold tweet -rp

    Generates a new scaffold with a REST-style controller and a policy (with authenticated and authorized BREAD routes).

  • $ eucalypt g scaffold tweet -rpH

    Generates a new scaffold with a REST-style controller and a headless policy (with authenticated and authorized BREAD routes).

Last updated